名前: Зинина Людмила Андреевна
生年月日: 1951年5月11日
刑事事件の現状: 被告
ロシア連邦刑法の条項: 282.2 (2)
現在の制限: レコグニザンス・アグリーメント


調査は、リュドミラ・ジニナがエホバの証人の平和的な宗教集会に参加したとして過激主義の罪で告発された。娘 Irina is being prosecuted on similar charges.

Lyudmila was born in 1951 in the village of Berezanskaya (Krasnodar Territory). She has a younger sister. Their mother worked as a primary school, labor and physical education teacher, and their father worked in the construction industry.

As a child, Lyudmila was fond of basketball and wrestling. She was no stranger to quieter leisure activities - she loved drawing. After school, she learned weaving, and also mastered the specialty of a general nurse. She worked by profession in a medical institution, now she is retired. In her spare time, she likes to grow flowers.

Lyudmila became interested in the Bible by her grandfather, who was one of Jehovah's Witnesses. In 1999, she also decided to become a Christian. To this she was prompted by reflections on the personality of the Creator and the wonders of nature.

Lyudmila lived in different cities: Krasnodar, Nebit-Dag (now Balkanabat, Turkmenistan), Krasnovodsk (now Turkmenbashi, Turkmenistan), Norilsk (Krasnoyarsk Territory), Maikop (Krasnodar Territory). Later, Lyudmila moved to the village of Zarya (Crimea) to take care of her mother.

In 1973, the believer married Pyotr, with whom she had three children — a son and two daughters. The son died as an adult.

The criminal prosecution had a negative impact on Lyudmila's health. Her husband tries to support her as best he can.


2023年5月、リュドミラ・ジニナは、友人と聖書を読んだという理由だけで、過激主義に関する刑事事件の被告となった。彼女と 彼女の娘 は2022年2月に捜索されました。調査委員会の調査官は、高齢の女性から離れないことを書面で約束しました。2023年末、この訴訟は裁判所に持ち込まれました。