Name: Zherebtsov Konstantin Petrovich
Date of Birth: August 26, 1973
Current status: who has served the main sentence
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation: 282.2 (2)
Time spent in prison: 1 day in a temporary detention facility, 598 day Under house arrest
Sentence: punishment in the form of imprisonment for 2 years 2 months, with restriction of liberty for a period of 6 months, punishment in the form of imprisonment shall be considered conditional with a probationary period for 2 years


On October 3, 2019, civilians in Chekhov near Moscow faced persecution for their faith: searches were carried out at several addresses, and a criminal case was opened against Konstantin Zherebtsov. On May 24, 2021, the court found the believer guilty and sentenced him to 2 years and 2 months of suspended imprisonment with a probation period of 2 years.

Konstantin was born in 1973 in the city of Mary (Turkmenistan). His father worked as a driver and his mother worked as a factory worker. Konstantin has two older brothers and a sister. In his youth, Konstantin was fond of weightlifting and collected stamps.

He graduated from a technical school with a degree in instrumentation and automation. For some time he worked as an electrician, and since 2003 he has been working at the ZiO-Podolsk Machine-Building Plant. Konstantin took part in the work with key state orders for the Kursk, Leningrad, Beloyarsk nuclear power plants and other enterprises of the energy complex. He has numerous certificates for success in his work from the administration of the plant, as well as letters of thanks from the Russian government. In his spare time, Konstantin is engaged in housekeeping.

Konstantin met his future wife in his hometown. They got married in 1994. Later they moved to Chekhov near Moscow. Natalia works as a nurse and is fond of gardening. The couple have two children.

Natalia was the first to become interested in the Bible. Constantine decided to join her, having learned from the Holy Scriptures that God loved him.

The criminal prosecution dramatically changed the usual way of life of Konstantin and his family. Due to the restrictions imposed on him, he cannot financially support his family. In October 2019, due to worries and stress, his heart problems worsened.

Relatives and friends wonder how a law-abiding, hardworking and honest person can be enrolled in the ranks of dangerous criminals only for his faith. The same opinion is shared by the management of the plant where Konstantin worked. His workplace is still assigned to him.

Case History

The criminal case initiated in September 2019 against Chekhov residents Yuri and Zinaida Krutyakov, Konstantin Zherebtsov and Vitaly Nikiforov was based on the testimony of an FSB officer who pretended to be interested in the Bible. On the night of October 3, 2019, security forces raided the believers’ homes with searches. Zherebtsov, Nikiforov and Krutyakova were placed under house arrest. Later, Yuriy was taken to the pre-trial detention center. There he stayed for 445 days; His eyesight deteriorated sharply. In January 2021, hearings began in the Chekhov City Court of the Moscow Region. The prosecutor requested a suspended sentence of 2 to 6 years for the four defendants. On May 24, Judge Iryna Pantela gave the believers a suspended sentence: Yuriy — 6 years, Zinaida — 2 years and 3 months, Konstantin — 2 years and 2 months, Vitaliy — 2 years. All were also given various probationary periods. On July 20, 2021, the Moscow Regional Court upheld the verdict, and on January 13, 2022, the cassation court did not satisfy the believers’ appeal.