Name: Yatsik Galina Ivanovna
Date of Birth: September 27, 1950
Current status: convicted person
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation: 282.2 (2)
Current restrictions: suspended sentence
Sentence: punishment in the form of 2 years of imprisonment with restriction of liberty for a term of 6 months


Galina Yatsik, a peaceful pensioner from the city of Zeya, a widow, grandmother of 7 grandchildren, became accused in a criminal case on extremism in February 2022 only because of her faith in Jehovah God.

Galina was born in September 1950 in the village of Belaya, Zeya District, Amur Region. His father was a carpenter in a gold mine, his mother worked at a weather station, and later at a veterinary station. Galina is the youngest of five children in the family. As a child, she loved drawing, poetry, and sang in the choir.

After school, Galina graduated from the Khabarovsk Technical School, where she received the specialty of a construction technician. After graduation, she worked at the airport as an airfield service technician. Then for many years she was an economist-standardizer in the Repair and Construction Department of the city of Zeya.

Galina met her future husband at work. Valeriy was a builder, served as a foreman. They got married in 1971. The couple raised a daughter and a son. In 1995, Valeriy died.

Due to her atheistic upbringing and education, Galina did not believe in God. However, in the early 1990s, she began to think about the meaning of life — she was outraged by injustice and war. She began to be interested in what scientists think about faith in God, as well as to study the Bible. The historical and scientific accuracy of this book amazed Galina. In addition, she learned that many scientists believe in God. Reflecting on how complex and diverse the surrounding world is, Galina came to the conclusion that there is a reasonable Creator. In 1994, she embarked on the Christian path.

Galina still lives in the city of Zeya. She has been retired since 2008 and has 2 granddaughters, 5 grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Galina is engaged in Nordic walking and adaptive physical education, which helps her maintain her health. Likes to listen to classical music.

Criminal prosecution became stressful for Galina. Her family does not understand why this is happening. Although relatives do not share her religious views, they are sure that the accusations are unfounded.

Case History

In October 2020, searches were carried out in 8 homes of Jehovah’s Witnesses, which were supervised by the FSB. In November 2021, a criminal case was initiated against Margarita Moiseenko, whose husband Konstantinhas already been sentenced to 6 years suspended for believing in Jehovah God, Galina Yatsyk and Yelena Yatsyk for participating in the activities of an extremist organization. The women were given a written undertaking not to leave the place. In March 2023, their case went to court. The prosecutor requested 2.5 to 3 years in prison for women. In September, the court sentenced them to suspended sentences: Margarita Moiseenko to three years, Elena Yatsyk to two and a half, and Galina Yatsyk to two years. In November, an appeal upheld the verdict, excluding the ban on holding certain positions.