Name: Voropaeva Natalya Leonidovna
Date of Birth: May 20, 1971
Current status: who has served the main sentence
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation: 282.2 (2)
Sentence: penalty in the form of a fine in the amount of 360,000 rubles


In the fall of 2022, Natalya Voropaeva, a hairdresser from Krasnoyarsk, found herself involved in a criminal case for believing in God.

Natalia was born in May 1971 in Krasnoyarsk, was the only child in the family. Her mother worked as a quality control master at a combine plant, her father was engaged in the repair of televisions. Over time, their marriage broke up. When the girl was 9 years old, her mother remarried. According to Natalia, due to the rude attitude of her father and stepfather, she grew up insecure and shy.

Mom took Natalia to the ballet studio for classical dance classes. The girl loved to draw and read a lot, was also fond of athletics, but because of shyness she left the sport. For the same reason, she could not enter the 10th grade - she was afraid of exams. At the age of 16, Natalia found her job: she graduated from the courses of universal hairdressers at the training and production plant. She has been working in this specialty all her life.

Since childhood, Natalia has been asking questions: why is everything so beautiful in nature, and there is so much injustice and suffering in the world? What does a person live for? Why do people die? Growing up, she began to look for answers to these questions in different religions. In 1994, Nataliya met Jehovah's Witnesses. They showed her in the Bible that death was never God's plan and that paradise would be on earth. "I then exclaimed: 'Here it is, the truth!'" recalls Natalia. - Although the situation in the family remained the same, from that moment on, my attitude to life changed dramatically. Despair and hopelessness are gone, every day sparkled with bright colors," she said. In 1996, Nataliya decided to become one of Jehovah's Witnesses. After a while, her mother also began to study the Bible, but, unfortunately, the woman's life was tragically cut short.

Natalia noted that thanks to Bible teaching, she gained self-confidence, and at the same time her creative abilities were revealed - she began to write poetry, graduated from art photography courses. Natalya loves to observe nature through the camera lens and give her friends her work. During the pandemic, she began to master the impasto technique in painting and restore furniture.

In 2018, Nataliya's house was searched for the first time, and later she was interrogated as a witness in the case of her co-religionist Andrey Stupnikov. After that, her health deteriorated.

Relatives, friends and clients of the believer are perplexed by the criminal prosecution she has faced and consider it unfair. They do not understand why such a peaceful and calm woman, who loves to create and give beauty to others, is credited with criminal intent.

Case History

In November 2017, law enforcement officers in Krasnoyarsk began operational search measures against local Jehovah’s Witnesses: their telephone conversations were tapped, electronic messages were viewed, and hidden audio recordings of worship services were made. Secret informants were involved in the events. A year later, Natalya Voropaeva’s house was searched as part of a criminal case against her co-religionist Andrei Stupnikov. In September 2022, the Investigative Committee prosecuted Natalya Voropaeva as a defendant under an extremist article. She was chosen as a preventive measure in the form of a written undertaking not to leave. In January 2023, the case went to court, and 2 months later she was found guilty. The court imposed a fine of 360,000 rubles on her. The Court of Appeal upheld the verdict.