Name: Vasichkin Aleksandr Nikolayevich
Date of Birth: July 9, 1969
Current status: who has served the main sentence
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation: 282.2 (1), 282.3 (1)
Sentence: penalty in the form of a fine in the amount of 1,100,000 rubles


Early in the morning of April 11, 2020, in the city of Teikovo, Ivanovo region, searches were carried out in the apartments of four families of believers. Among the victims of criminal prosecution was 50-year-old Alexander Vasichkin.

Alexander was born in 1969 in Bryansk. He has a younger sister. As a child, he was engaged in acrobatics, played hockey, loved to make models of ships and airplanes. Alexander's father died at the age of 52.

After completing his military service, Alexander remained in the army with the rank of ensign. He graduated from a military technical school with a degree in mechanical engineering. He also has a welder's specialty. After studying at a technical school, Alexander was assigned to the military unit of the city of Teikovo. Recently he worked as a janitor. In his spare time, he is engaged in breeding bees, designing wind turbines, and in the summer he likes to go hiking with family and friends.

Alexander met his future wife Natalia in Teikovo. They got married in December 1993.

Natalia has always been convinced that the Bible is from God, so soon after the wedding, the couple began a deep study of this ancient book together. Alexander was deeply touched by the fulfillment of Bible prophecy and the person God appears in the Bible.

Becoming a Christian, Alexander retired from the army. This decision was not easy for him, because in the mid-90s it was difficult to find a new job. In addition, his wife was expecting a child.

The couple raised two children, a son and a daughter. Now they are adults. A family hobby is active tourism.

When Alexander's daughter was 12 years old, the family faced a serious test: the girl was diagnosed with acute leukemia. At the moment, the disease is in remission.

Alexander and his family went through a difficult time, but did not suspect that another test awaited them ahead - criminal prosecution for believing in God. Alexander's mother, who does not share his beliefs, is very worried about him and tries to encourage her son with the words: "Sasha, well, you pray!"

Case History

In April 2020, security forces raided the apartments of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the town of Teykovo. A day earlier, the Investigative Committee initiated a criminal case for organizing the activity of an extremist organization against Vladimir Spivak, Aleksandr Vasichkin, Sergey Galyamin and Anatoliy Lyamo. All believers were placed under a recognizance agreement. A year later, the investigator charged Lyamo also for financing the activity of an extremist organization. In August 2021, charges were added to Aleksandr Vasichkin for participating in the activity of an extremist organization. The charges were based on the testimony of two secret witnesses. In January 2023, the case of the believers went to court. In February 2024, the judge sentenced the believers to large fines: Spivak — 600,000, Sergey Galyamin — 650,000, Aleksandr Vasichkin and Anatoliy Lyamo — 1,100,000 rubles each.