Name: Udintsev Yevgeniy Georgiyevich
Date of Birth: March 14, 1949
Current status: who has served the main sentence
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation: 282.2 (1)
Sentence: penalty in the form of a fine in the amount of 200,000 rubles; provide installments for payment of the imposed fine for 25 months


In March 2019, a criminal case was opened in Kirov against peaceful believers, searches were carried out. One of the accused was Yevgeniy Udintsev. The investigation lasted more than a year, then the case went to court. In July 2021, despite the absence of victims in the case, Udintsev was found guilty of organizing extremist activities and sentenced to a fine of 200,000 rubles just because of his faith in Jehovah God.

Yevgeniy was born in 1949 in Kirov, where he has lived all his life. As a child, he suffered from heart disease, but learned to cope with this disease through physical education. Yevgeniy mastered the professions of a civil engineer and a metalworking technician, although in addition to the main professions, he had to sweep the floors and do business.

Since 1970, Yevgeniy has been married to Yelizaveta, whose sister introduced both spouses to the Bible. This happened in 1991. The knowledge gained deeply affected them, although this did not happen immediately. Under the influence of the Bible, Yevgeniy gradually got rid of bad habits, quit smoking and alcohol abuse. Today Yevgeniy, Yelizaveta and their daughter Olga are a close-knit Christian family. Yelizaveta is a disabled person of the II group, she is limited in movement. Yevgeniy lovingly takes care of his wife.

Case History

In 2019, the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Kirov Region opened a criminal case for their faith against Alexander Shamov, Andrey Shchepin and Yevgeny Udintsev. The investigation interpreted joint worship services as organizing the activities of an extremist organization. The accusation was based on recordings of meetings of believers made by the FSB agent “Plastin”, who portrayed an interest in the Bible. Shchepin spent 2 days in the temporary detention center and more than 2 years under the ban on certain actions. Later, he, as well as Udintsev and Shamov, took a written undertaking not to leave. In June 2020, the case went to court. The prosecutor asked to appoint Shchepin and Shamov from 2 to 4 years in prison, and Udintsev - a large fine. In July 2021, the court imposed a monetary penalty on all three in the amount of 200,000 to 500,000 rubles. The appellate court, and then the cassation, upheld the verdict against the peaceful believers.