Name: Tokarev Anatoliy Mikhailovich
Date of Birth: December 31, 1958
Current status: who has served the main sentence
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation: 282.2 (1)
Sentence: penalty in the form of a fine in the amount of 500,000 rubles


In May 2019, a criminal case was opened in Kirov against Anatoly Tokarev. His apartment was raided and searched, and later the believer was officially charged with organizing extremist activities. After several months of court hearings, the believer was found guilty. He was sentenced to a fine of 500,000 rubles.

Anatoliy was born in 1958 in the village of Baranovskaya, Kirov region, although his childhood was spent in the village of Russkoye. He was brought up by one mother. He liked to play chess, was fond of photography and playing the accordion.

In 1979, while still a student, he married Margarita, with whom he graduated from the Faculty of Physics of Gorky State University in 1982. Then the couple worked together as engineers in Nizhny Novgorod. Later they moved to Kirov, where Anatoliy continued to work as a software engineer, and Margarita got a job as an accountant in a medical institution. Son Andrey decided to follow in his father's footsteps and also became a programmer, and daughter Ekaterina mastered the profession of an accountant.

Until about 27 years of age, Anatoliy was a staunch atheist, but then his worldview began to change under the influence of facts that he learned by reading popular science publications in his free time. He stopped being aggressive towards religion and decided to study the Bible on his own. From his own experience, Anatoliy realized that the scientific mindset does not exclude Christian beliefs and values.

Today Anatoliy is retired, but continues to work as a janitor in a kindergarten. In his spare time, he acquires construction skills by building a house in the garden. Margarita is fond of gardening, loves to plant roses and take care of them.

Anatoly's entire family was shocked when the police raided the apartment with a search and announced the initiation of a criminal case. Relatives and friends consider the very fact of accusing Anatoliy of extremism to be contrary to common sense.

Case History

Peaceful pensioner Anatoly Tokarev, a resident of Kirov, was sentenced by the court to a fine of 500 thousand rubles for his faith. The believer filed a complaint with the courts of appeal and cassation, but the verdict remained unchanged. The prosecutor asked to send the believer to a colony for 3.5 years, accusing him of organizing and financing a banned organization. According to him, this was expressed “in the joint singing of biblical songs and the study of religious literature,” as well as in covering the utility costs of an empty worship building. The persecution of Anatoliy began in May 2019. He was searched, the security forces arrested his apartment and garden, voiced threats to harm his relatives. The believer considers this pressure for refusing to incriminate himself and not admitting guilt in extremism. Judge Skorobogatov ignored the documents submitted by the defendant to international organizations advocating for Anatoly Tokarev’s right to freedom of religion. Interrogation of prosecution witnesses during the trial revealed that their testimony was falsified.