Name: Skutelets Gennadiy Viktorovich
Date of Birth: May 8, 1976
Current status: defendant
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation: 282.2 (2), 282.3 (1)
Time spent in prison: 2 day in a temporary detention facility, 363 day Under house arrest
Current restrictions: recognizance agreement


On January 28, 2020, mass searches were carried out in Pechora on the basis of a criminal case. One of the detainees was Gennady Skutelyets.

Gennadiy was born in 1976 in Pechora. As a child, he was fidgety. In his youth, he was engaged in freestyle wrestling, karate and boxing.

Gennady loves to work with his own hands, to make and build something, as well as to walk in the woods, where he can reflect on the Creator.

Gennadiy received an incomplete secondary education. He worked as an oil production operator at the Booster Pumping Station in Usinsk. For some time he lived in Salekhard. In Pechora, Gennady worked as a janitor, where he earned a reputation as a hardworking and conscientious person.

Back in the early 90s, the Bible attracted his attention, but he began to study it seriously in the 2000s. He was impressed that today he can witness the fulfillment of Bible prophecy with his own eyes. Thanks to this book, he managed to overcome bad habits and become more balanced, treat people kindly and with respect and come to their aid when necessary.

Numerous relatives, as well as Gennady's mother, are concerned about the criminal prosecution of a respectable Christian. Gennady himself tries to remain calm and not lose optimism.

Case History

In January 2020, security forces searched 12 houses in Pechora. Several people were detained. Among them are Gennadiy Polyakevich and Gennadiy Skutelets. On the same day, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation opened a criminal case on extremism against them. The court sent Polyakevich to a pre-trial detention center, where he spent 301 days, and placed Skutelets under house arrest for 364 days. In November 2020, another investigator of the Investigative Committee opened a new criminal case against Nikolay Anufriyev, Eduard Merinkov, Viktor Shchannikov, Aleksandr Vorontsov, and Aleksandr Prilepskiy. They were put on recognizance not to leave. The case went to court in May 2021, and eight months later it was returned to the prosecutor. In December 2022, at the age of 58, Aleksandr Prilepskiy died from the effects of COVID-19. In April 2023, the case went to court again.