Name: Shulgina Olga Panteleyevna
Date of Birth: July 10, 1961
Current status: suspect
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation: 282.2 (2)


Olga Shulgina became one of 5 women in the city of Maysky (Kabardino-Balkaria), against whom investigator A. Yakhtanigov opened a criminal case under an extremist article.

Olga was born in 1961 in the village of Maralikha (Altai Territory). She has an older brother and a younger sister. Olga's mother worked for many years as the head of the laboratory at the poultry farm. Now she is at an advanced age and needs constant care. Her father also worked as a deputy chief accountant at a poultry farm in the city of Maysky, where the family moved when Olga was about three years old. He died in 2016.

As a child, Olga loved to cook, bake and sew. After school, she graduated from a sewing school. She worked in a garment factory and in a garment cooperative. Later, she worked for many years at the May X-ray equipment plant "Sevkavrentgen" as a copyist, and also baked cakes and pastries to order. Olga is now retired. Cooking is still her hobby. In 1980, Olga married Alexander, two children were born in marriage - a daughter and a son.

In the 2000s, Olga became interested in Bible teachings. She was struck by how accurately the prophecies recorded in the ancient book came true. This led her to the idea that all the promises of God would be fulfilled, and no one could stop it. Olga decided to become a Christian, and in 2009 she dedicated her life to serving God. Relatives do not share Olga's religious beliefs.

Criminal prosecution is not easy for Olga: she has lost a lot of weight from stress, her health has weakened. She still has to take care of her sick mother, which in itself is a heavy burden for the believer, but she tries to maintain a positive attitude.

Case History

Almost a year after a series of searches in the criminal case against Kirill Gushchin, investigator A. M. Yakhtanigov separated the case against Kirill’s wife, Svetlana Gushchina, as well as Zareta Ortanova, Aksana Dominova, Svetlana Dubovkina and Olga Shulgina into separate proceedings. The women are suspected of participating in the activities of an extremist organization. The case involves falsifications and planting of banned literature. In July 2021, searches took place in three more houses of believers, where the security forces were looking for new “evidence”.