Name: Shevelev Stepan Sergeyevich
Date of Birth: September 1, 1982
Current status: convicted person
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation: 282.2 (1)
Current restrictions: suspended sentence
Sentence: punishment in the form of 6 years of imprisonment with deprivation of the right to engage in organizational activities in public and religious associations, public and religious organizations for a term of 3 years, with restriction of liberty for a term of 1 year, a sentence of imprisonment shall be considered suspended with a probationary period of 3 years


Law enforcement agencies accused Stepan Shevelev, a peaceful believer from Norilsk, of "taking part in the discussion of literature and videos of a religious nature," as well as praying. The authorities regarded this as organizing extremist activities.

Stepan was born in September 1982 in the village of Maslyanino (Novosibirsk region). When the boy was 2, the family decided to move to Norilsk. In 1986, Stepan's younger sister was born.

Since childhood, Stepan had many friends. He was fond of tourism, reading books, board games. After school, he graduated from college, received the profession of "cable-solder". After graduation, he worked in his specialty.

In 1996, my mother became interested in the Bible. But later, only Stepan continued the study of the Holy Scriptures. According to him, he realized that "the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses do not contradict the Bible." Moreover, he saw how the Bible changes people's lives for the better. Stepan became a Christian in 2001, when he was 18.

Stepan got married in December 2013. His wife Oksana is an English language teacher. In her free time, she enjoys playing basketball and, like Stepan, reading, traveling and playing video games with him. Since childhood, her mother instilled in her respect for the Bible. Oksana always empathized with people and wanted to help them, dreamed of becoming a doctor. When she learned from the Bible that suffering would come to an end, she joyfully began to share that hope with others.

Stepan says: "The criminal case only strengthened the faith." The family sees support and care from fellow believers.

Although Stepan's parents and sister do not share his beliefs, they have a good relationship. Stepan said that employees at work and relatives do not understand why such accusations were made against him. "They never noticed any signs of extremism in my behavior. We are ready to support if necessary," Stepan shared.

Case History

In October 2019, special forces surrounded a camp site in Norilsk, where about 50 friends were spending time together. Some of them were interrogated. The Investigative Committee initiated a criminal case against Stepan Shevelev and Aleksandr Polozov, charging the believers with organizing the activity of a banned organization. Their homes were searched. Polozov was arrested and sent to a pretrial detention center for 90 days, after which he was placed under a recognizance agreement. The same preventive measure was imposed on Shevelev. In June 2021, the believers’ case went to court. The prosecutor requested a 6-year suspended sentence. The judge returned the case of Polozov and Shevelev to the prosecutor, having found no corpus delicti in their actions. In July 2022, the Krasnoyarsk Regional Court upheld this decision. However, in May 2023, the case went back to court. This time, the prosecutor requested 6 years in a penal colony for the believers. In December 2023, the court gave Polozov and Shevelev a 6-year suspended sentence.