Name: Bazhenova Snezhana Yevgenyevna
Date of Birth: December 20, 1977
Current status: who has served the main sentence
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation: 282.2 (2)
Time spent in prison: 2 day in a temporary detention facility
Sentence: punishment in the form of imprisonment for a term of 2 years, with restriction of liberty for 6 months, a sentence of imprisonment shall be considered conditional with a probationary period of 3 years


Spouses Snezhana and Konstantin Bazhenov were detained on August 19, 2018 in the town of Yelizovo. After long legal proceedings, the spouses were sentenced to 2 years probation for extremism.

Snezhana Bazhenova was born in 1977 in the village of Krabozavodskoye on Shikotan Island (Sakhalin Region). She was left without a father early, and her mother raised her alone, taking on any job so that her daughter had everything she needed. Snezhana's faith was instilled in her by her grandmother as a child, who told her about the Creator and prayed with her. This determined the future life and views of Snezhana.

Since childhood, Snezhana is a creative person, loves children. She is a primary school teacher by profession. However, due to the fact that she was unreasonably included in the list of extremists, she cannot work in her specialty. In any children's institution, she will not even be able to get a job as a cleaner.

In 2001, Snezhana married Konstantin, they had a daughter, Elizaveta. At school, she was an exemplary student, received awards and commendations. This is a close-knit family, they often invite guests or are with them in nature. Konstantin and Elizaveta love to ride a motorcycle.

Relatives of Snezhana and Konstantin were shocked by the news of their criminal prosecution. Even those of them who do not share their religious views are outraged by what is happening and try to help in any way they can. "They had to go through a strong shock," says Snezhana, adding that she is grateful to her loved ones for their support and love.

Case History

In 2018, in Yelizovo, Snezhana and Konstantin Bazhenov, both teachers, as well as widowed pensioner Vera Zolotova, were detained, their houses were searched, and a few days later they had to sign a recognizance agreement. The Investigative Committee equated the holding of joint meetings for worship to illegal activity. In September 2020, the court gave each of them a 2-year suspended sentence. The court of appeal upheld this decision, but the court of cassation returned the case for retrial to the territory court. In January 2022, it acquitted the believers, but the prosecutor’s office achieved that the verdict was overturned in the RF Supreme Court, and the case was returned to the appeal stage, and later the courts of cassation supported the verdict of a 2-year suspended sentence.