Name: Sagin Viktor Petrovich
Date of Birth: February 4, 1957
Current status: suspect
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation: 282.2 (1)
Current restrictions: obligation to appear


On January 9, 2020, a criminal case was opened against Viktor Sagin for his faith, several editions of the Bible and the New Testament were seized from him. What do we know about this man?

Viktor was born in the village of Zimovye, Sverdlovsk Region, in 1957, but grew up in the city of Nazarov, Krasnoyarsk Territory. His father, a participant in World War II, worked all his life as a mechanic for the repair of vehicles. His mother was a veteran of labor of the RSFSR. Victor grew up in a large family with a sister and six brothers. He received a secondary education. The financial situation was difficult, and from the age of 15 he began to work to help his parents.

At school, Victor could not come to terms with the theory of evolution. When he discovered the Bible, he marveled at how simple, logical and at the same time beautiful this book answered all his questions. Together with his parents and three brothers, he was determined to live as it is written in the Bible.

In 1975, heeding Christ's call not to take up arms, Victor refused to serve in the army, for which he was sentenced to 3 years in prison. "The conditions of detention were extremely difficult," Viktor recalls. "Exhausting work on timber processing, sometimes up to 20 hours a day." Prisoners often asked: "What are you imprisoned for?" The peace-loving views of this young man aroused their interest and respect.

In 1977, Victor married Lyubov, a girl close to him in spirit and beliefs. The family settled in Achinsk, where they still live. They have two adult daughters who already have their own families. There are grandchildren. Victor is happy to take part in their upbringing, loves gardening and communication with family and friends.

All his life, Victor worked as a driver. At first, he drove a city bus in Achinsk, and for the last 35 years he worked as an electrician driver in the Krasnoyarsk electric grid company. For many years of conscientious work, he received certificates and thanks from the management of the enterprise and even personally from the Minister of Energy of Russia A.V. Novak. Viktor is also a labor veteran of his company and the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Viktor's relatives and acquaintances know that he has already had to endure imprisonment for his faith in the Soviet years. Imagine their astonishment when they learned that in modern Russia he again faces a prison term for his religious beliefs!

Victor's daughters are very worried about their father. He has high blood pressure and diabetes mellitus of the second type, and the first time after the searches he was tormented by insomnia.