Name: Perminov Andrey Petrovich
Date of Birth: May 14, 1972
Current status: convicted person
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation: 282.2 (1)
Current restrictions: suspended sentence
Sentence: punishment in the form of 6 years of imprisonment with deprivation of the right to engage in activities related to leadership in the work of religious organizations for a term of 3 years, punishment in terms of imprisonment shall be considered suspended with a probationary period of 3 years


Andrey Perminov, who was confined to a wheelchair from his youth, lost his father in 2021, who died of coronavirus at the age of 93. Another shock was that law enforcement officers considered Andrey a dangerous criminal because of his faith in Jehovah God.

Andrey was born in May 1972 in the city of Asha, Chelyabinsk Region. One of his two elder brothers died tragically before the birth of Andrey. The whole family felt the bitterness of loss for many years.

As a child, Andrey loved to read books, went to the volleyball, wrestling and skiing sections. However, he had to leave the sport due to an illness that confined him to a wheelchair.

In 2000 Andrey graduated from Chelyabinsk State University with a degree in Accounting and Auditing. He worked as an accountant and assistant auditor for the city's disabled society, then became a website administrator and programmer.

Andrey was worried about the future, the development of technologies, improving the living conditions of people. Since childhood, he deeply thought about the meaning and transience of life. In 1995, Andrey began to study the Bible with his parents, and in 1999 he embarked on the Christian path. Although the parents did not end up joining their son, they approved of his views. Father even took Andrey to church services in a wheelchair.

In the same period, in 1995, Andrey met Natalya, who, like him, appreciated biblical principles. He liked her for her kindness, attention and compassion for people. In June 2015, Andrey and Natalya got married. They love to spend time together and, if possible, are in nature. Andrey is also interested in programming languages and loves to watch videos on the construction of roads and bridges, and Natalya takes care of the garden in her free time.

The search and criminal prosecution disrupted the usual rhythm of the life of believers. The attitude of law enforcement officers to them as to criminals is very unpleasant for the Perminovs. Any knock on the door or the sound of an approaching car now triggers an alarm.

Relatives and friends of the Perminovs are surprised that just because of reading the Bible, one could be accused of a serious crime. Andrey's elderly mother is sick and knows nothing about the criminal case, as it would become a serious stress for her.

Case History

In June 2021, searches and interrogations of local believers were carried out in the cities of Asha and Minyar, who were suspected of practicing the religion of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Two days before the raids, a criminal case had been initiated against unidentified persons for organizing the activity of an extremist organization. As a result, Andrey Perminov, a disabled person of group I, was charged. In November 2021, the believer was placed under house arrest. Six months later, the case went to court, and in November 2022, Andrey Perminov, chained to a wheelchair, was sentenced to 6 years of probation. In March 2023, an appeal upheld the verdict.