Name: Mamedov Eldar Rasulovich
Date of Birth: November 21, 1987
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation: 282.2 (2)


Eldar Mamedov's father was recovering from heart surgery when his son was searched in the spring of 2019. Later, a criminal case was opened against the young man because of his belief in Jehovah God.

Eldar was born in November 1987 in the city of Sharypovo, Krasnoyarsk Territory. He has a younger brother. Their mother, an economist and financier, began studying the Bible in 1995. Her father, a driver by profession, had a negative attitude towards her beliefs for a long time, but later his attitude softened.

As a child, Eldar attended various circles and sections, loved designers, was fond of reading books about geology, astronomy and chemistry, and is still interested in these sciences. He has a higher education in chemistry.

Eldar has tried many professions in his life. He was engaged in repair and finishing works, worked as a chemist in a laboratory, a PC maintenance specialist, a CNC machine operator (products in the field of outdoor advertising), a foreman in a fish farm, an assistant to a production manager. Now she works in several areas: as a distance tutor in mathematics, chemistry and physics and as a marketer. In her spare time, she enjoys cooking and making furniture herself.

The beauty and complexity of the world around him convinced Eldar of the existence of the Creator. He said: "A deep study of the Bible helped to find those who want to do the will of the Creator and developed a desire to become one of them." Eldar embarked on the Christian path in 2006. Two years later, driven by his peace-loving convictions, he completed alternative civilian service in the Tomsk region. It was there that he first met Alena, not even suspecting that 8 years later, in January 2017, she would become his wife.

Alena shares her husband's views on life. She works as a hairdresser. In her free time, she enjoys drawing and playing the guitar. Together, the spouses play chess and backgammon, go skiing, and relax on the lakes in the summer. They love to cook delicious meals together and chat with friends.

In 2020, the couple moved to the village of Emelyanovo (Krasnoyarsk Territory), closer to Alena's relatives. Now Eldar has to travel 300 km from home for interrogations. At his main job, this is treated with understanding and they give him days off to travel to Sharypovo.

The Mamedovs feel the burden of criminal prosecution. Eldar says: “There is uncertainty, anxiety about the future: how will the spouse cope with financial issues? Alena worries about my health if I end up in prison. We spend a lot of time together, so the thought of breaking up is troubling.” The relatives of the spouses are worried about them.

Case History

A series of searches that took place in April 2019 in the town of Sharypovo affected several families of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Initially, the investigative actions were carried out in the framework of the case against Anton Ostapenko. After 2.5 years, the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Krasnoyarsk Territory opened a criminal case against 7 more male believers aged 29 to 73 years. Anatoliy Khvostov, Dmitry Gorelov, Maksim Vigul, Aleksandr Miroshnichenko, Eldar Mammadov, Vladimir Osintsev and Gennadiy Solomentsev are suspected of participating in the activities of an extremist organization. In May-June 2022, repeated searches were carried out at the homes of Vigul, Miroshnichenko, Osintsev and Khvostov.