Name: Lokhvitskaya Irina Yuriyevna
Date of Birth: March 4, 1962
Current status: who has served the main sentence
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation: 282.2 (2)
Sentence: punishment in the form of imprisonment for a term of 2 years 6 months with restriction of liberty for a term of 1 year, a sentence of imprisonment shall be considered conditional with a probationary period of 2 years


On February 6, 2020, FSB investigator D. Yankin opened 6 criminal cases at once under an "extremist" article against peaceful and law-abiding residents of Birobidzhan. Among them is Irina Lokhvitskaya. She was accused of participating in the activities of a banned organization. Six months later, the case went to court. In July 2021, Irina was found guilty and given a 2.5-year suspended sentence for her faith in Jehovah.

Irina was born in 1962 in the village of Izvestkovoe, Jewish Autonomous Region. She has an older brother and a younger sister. When Irina was 6 years old, her father died. Mom was a kind and religious person. At home, Irina often found handwritten prayers, and this raised many questions. Irina wondered why she should pray and who God was.

She read a lot, looking for answers to her questions in books. She dreamed of becoming an actress, as she played in school plays, or an investigator, because she read detectives. She had many hobbies: she played basketball and volleyball, attended a dance, theater studio and a knitting club. In the school description it is written: has a sense of humor.

After school, she entered the Birobidzhan Pedagogical School. Then she worked in the village of Belgorod as a kindergarten teacher, for several years as the head, and part-time as the artistic director of the club. She led a dance circle, held rural holidays. There she married and gave birth to a son, Arthur.

Irina always remembered her mother's stories about how much her father loved her. For many years, she was not left with a sense of injustice due to the fact that good people die so early. In 1991, in Khabarovsk, I met those who knew the Bible well. Finally, she found answers to all the questions that she had been asking herself since childhood. "Biblical truth struck me in the heart," Irina recalls. "When I heard that there is hope for the resurrection for the dead, I realized that there is justice! It's great that all good dads will be resurrected, including mine. I'll hug him..." Since then, Irina has never ceased to share with others the Bible teachings that give such wonderful hope. After 2 years, she was baptized.

Seven months later, a tragedy occurred - her husband died. Irina was left alone with a seven-year-old child. There was no work in the village, they lived on survivor's benefits. During these years, in order not to dwell on the mountain, she helped many to understand the Bible, to see the wisdom of God's laws. When my son was 11 years old, he consciously chose the Christian path of life for himself. A few years later, the family moved to Birobidzhan.

Irina retired in 2016. Prior to that, she worked as an administrator at a hotel. He has certificates and cash awards for good work and work with people. Irina is still full of strength, energy, desire to share the biblical reliable with others. He likes to organize themed evenings for friends, writes poetry, and holds weddings for those closest to him. Every year they raft down the river with family and friends. A new hobby is making flowers out of corrugated paper and creating compositions from them. With great pleasure he gives them to friends.

The persecution for her faith seriously affected Irina's physical and emotional well-being. Adding to her concerns was the fact that her son Arthur, as well as his wife, Anna, received the same suspended sentences of 2.5 years each. The support of numerous friends from different cities and family cohesion helps to survive this stress. Irina's sister, who is interested in Bible teachings, is completely perplexed by what is happening.

Case History

In February 2020, Irina Lokhvitskaya from Birobidzhan was prosecuted along with her son Artur and daughter-in-law Anna. The case against the believer was investigated by Dmitry Yankin, a senior investigator-criminalist of the investigative department of the FSB of Russia for the Jewish Autonomous Region. He also opened criminal cases against five more residents of Birobidzhan, who, according to the investigation, “resumed the activities of a local religious organization liquidated in 2016 … as well as the “Administrative Center of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia.” The judge of the Birobidzhan District Court, Vasilina Bezotecheskikh, held the hearings behind closed doors, not allowing any listeners or even relatives into the hall. Irina, who has certificates and monetary awards for her work and work with people, was forced to defend her peace-loving views in court. In July 2021, the court found the believer guilty and sentenced her to 2.5 years of probation and 1 year of restriction of freedom. On November 16 of the same year, the appellate instance upheld the verdict, and in July 2022, the Court of Cassation in Vladivostok approved this decision.