Name: Krutyakov Yuriy Alekseyevich
Date of Birth: July 16, 1952
Current status: convicted person
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation: 282.2 (1)
Time spent in prison: 1 day in a temporary detention facility, 445 day in a pre-trial detention
Current restrictions: suspended sentence
Sentence: punishment in the form of imprisonment for 6 years, with restriction of liberty for a period of 1 year, punishment in the form of imprisonment shall be considered conditional with a probationary period of 5 years
Currently held in: Detention Centre No.3 for Moscow Region
Address for correspondence: Krutyakov Yuriy Alekseyevich, born 1952, Detention Centre No.3 UFSIN of Russia for Moscow Region, Ul. Kaluzhskaya, 50/7, Serpukhov, Moscow Region, 142200.


On March 5, 2020, Yuriy Krutyakov, a peaceful believer from the city of Chekhov, was sent to a pre-trial detention center. Because of a conversation with a man who portrayed an interest in the Bible, he spent more than a year behind bars. There, Yuri's eyesight deteriorated sharply. In May 2021, the court found the believer guilty of extremism and sentenced him to 6 years of suspended imprisonment with a probation period of 5 years. His wife Zinaida, who was a defendant in the same criminal case, was sentenced to 2 years and 3 months of probation with a probation period of 2 years.

Yuri was born in Nizhny Novgorod in 1952 in a working-class family. He studied at the evening department of the Gorky Civil Engineering Institute (Faculty of Industrial and Civil Construction). He worked at the design institute as a draftsman of the design department, in several construction and installation departments in various positions - from the foreman to the head of the production and technical department. Recently, he worked as a finisher of premises.

Since childhood, Yuri had an inquisitive mind, loved to learn something new and deepen his knowledge in various fields. For a long time I was looking for the meaning of life, but nowhere did I find sufficiently convincing and logical answers to my questions.

Acquaintance with biblical truth occurred in 1996. "I finally saw the perspective that God opens through his Word, the Bible," says Yuri. Two years later, he made a firm decision to become a follower of Christ.

Yuri led an active lifestyle, often moved to different cities, and in 2010 settled in Chekhov. In 2012, he married Zinaida, who shares his religious beliefs. The wife loves to cook, listens to classical and folk music. Since October 3, 2019, Zinaida has been under house arrest as a defendant in the same criminal case.

Due to criminal prosecution and stress, Yuriy's health deteriorated. There are not enough funds to support the family. Family and friends are deeply saddened by the unfair persecution of the couple.

Case History

The criminal case initiated in September 2019 against Chekhov residents Yuri and Zinaida Krutyakov, Konstantin Zherebtsov and Vitaly Nikiforov was based on the testimony of an FSB officer who pretended to be interested in the Bible. On the night of October 3, 2019, security forces raided the believers’ homes with searches. Zherebtsov, Nikiforov and Krutyakova were placed under house arrest. Later, Yuriy was taken to the pre-trial detention center. There he stayed for 445 days; His eyesight deteriorated sharply. In January 2021, hearings began in the Chekhov City Court of the Moscow Region. The prosecutor requested a suspended sentence of 2 to 6 years for the four defendants. On May 24, Judge Iryna Pantela gave the believers a suspended sentence: Yuriy — 6 years, Zinaida — 2 years and 3 months, Konstantin — 2 years and 2 months, Vitaliy — 2 years. All were also given various probationary periods. On July 20, 2021, the Moscow Regional Court upheld the verdict, and on January 13, 2022, the cassation court did not satisfy the believers’ appeal.