Name: Kogut Khasan Abduvaitovich
Date of Birth: May 7, 1983
Current status: who has served the main sentence
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation: 282.2 (2)
Time spent in prison: 2 day in a temporary detention facility, 199 day Under house arrest
Sentence: punishment in the form of imprisonment for a term of 2 years 6 months with restriction of liberty for a term of 1 year; The sentence of imprisonment shall be considered suspended with a probationary period of 2 years


In July 2018, a civilian resident of Berezovskiy Khasan Kogut was searched, and in February 2019 the FSB opened a criminal case against him on charges of participating in the activities of an extremist organization. In 2020, the court found Khasan guilty and sentenced him to 2.5 years of probation only because of his faith in Jehovah God.

Khasan was born in 1983 in the city of Shakhrisabz (Uzbekistan). He has a brother and sister. After leaving school, Hasan mastered the professions of a telemaster and hydrologist.

When Khasan became interested in Bible teachings in the mid-1990s, his parents took it easy, seeing that Bible reading had a positive effect on their son.

In 2004, Khasan moved to Kurgan. He took on any job. Hasan later received Russian citizenship.

In 2010, Khasan married Yekaterina, in 2012, a son, Timofey, appeared in the family. A year later, the family moved to Berezovskiy to take care of Yekaterina’s mother. At the trial, the believer emphasized: “I am very grateful to my beloved wife, who, despite the difficulties of life associated with the trial, the serious illness of our son, which drains her emotionally, maintains a positive attitude and supports me. During the house arrest, she was my hands, feet, my lips, doing everything that I had to do, because I was deprived of the opportunity to earn money and go to the store, to the pharmacy, to the post office. "

At the end of the court hearings, Khasan firmly stated: “I am not going to give up my faith in Jehovah God, and I consider it a crime to force me to do this! These are my firm convictions, and no matter what circumstances I find myself in. "

Case History

After 2.5 years of criminal litigation, Khasan Kogut from the town of Beryozovsky was sentenced to 2.5 years of suspended imprisonment. July 2018 was the starting point of the persecution of the believer: an FSB investigator conducted a 4-hour search in Khasan’s apartment in the presence of his 5-year-old son. The following interrogation lasted the same amount of time. Six months later Kogut was prosecuted under Article 282.2 (2) of the Criminal Code, placed under house arrest, and subjected to psychiatric evaluation. At the hearing in the Beryozovsky Town Court, the invited expert noted that he did not see any calls to extremism in the case materials and that “Jehovah’s Witnesses closely adhere to the Bible.” Nevertheless, the prosecutor requested 2 years in prison for Kogut, stating that Jehovah’s Witnesses invented the doctrine of fiery hell, thus revealing her incompetence. Judge Elena Bigeza found Khasan Kogut guilty of extremism, essentially for meeting with fellow believers. The appellate court upheld the verdict.