This person is also involved in another criminal case as well:
Case of Ivanov and Kulakov in Nevelsk
Name: Ivanov Vyacheslav Vladimirovich
Date of Birth: July 26, 1970
Current status: who has served the main sentence
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation: 282.2 (2)
Sentence: punishment in the form of 2 years of imprisonment with deprivation of the right to engage in activities related to leadership and participation in the work of public and religious organizations for a term of 2 years, with restriction of liberty for a term of 6 months; The sentence of imprisonment shall be considered conditional with a probationary period of 1 year


In the Sakhalin region, the persecution of civilians for their passion for the Bible continues. Another criminal case was initiated in the city of Nevelsk against Vyacheslav Ivanov. What is known about him?

Vyacheslav was born in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk in 1970 in a family of ordinary workers. He has an older brother and sister. As a child, he loved outdoor games and sports, enjoyed playing football, tennis, hockey. In the house of pioneers he was engaged in coinage. After school, he served in the army and received a diploma in radio engineering at a nautical school, worked as an electrician. Since 2013 he has been an individual entrepreneur in the field of apartment renovation.

For some time Vyacheslav lived in Magadan and Vladivostok, but then returned to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk to take care of his seriously ill mother. He did this until her death in 2018.

While still at school, Vyacheslav was keenly interested in history, wanted to know how everything appeared. "It was bitter that I would never know about it, and even cried because of it," he recalls. - And when an armed conflict arose in Nagorno-Karabakh after the collapse of the USSR, I thought: where does evil come from? After all, everyone wants peace and happiness. I began to look for the answer in the historical literature, but I realized that we had to go from Creation. I have heard that the Bible is an extraordinary book. By researching it, I got an answer to a question that had been bothering me for a long time.

At the end of 2007, Vyacheslav met his future wife Irina, and 9 months later they got married. She plants home flowers, knits, draws perfectly, loves to sing. She has two adult children who live in another city. Irina and Vyacheslav are happy to be in nature, by the fire on the seashore, go to the forest for berries, play board games.

The criminal prosecution radically changed the life of a married couple. "After the searches, we constantly feel anxiety and fear. It seems that at any moment we can be detained," says Vyacheslav. Irina's chronic illness worsened due to the stressful situation. Law enforcement officers collect information about Vyacheslav and his family, which scares away customers.

The relatives of the spouses are perplexed why they are persecuting such peace-loving and sympathetic people as Vyacheslav and Irina.

Case History

In January 2019, at least 11 searches were carried out at the homes of local Jehovah’s Witnesses in three Sakhalin settlements. The criminal case  against the couple Sergey and Tatyana Kulakov, Vyacheslav Ivanov, Yevgeniy Yelin and Alexandr Kozlitin for their faith, was investigated by the FSB in the Sakhalin Region. In January 2021, the trial began in court, and a year later a verdict was issued: Sergey Kulakov and Yevgeniy Yelin were given a 6.5 year suspended sentence, and Tatyana Kulakova, Vyacheslav Ivanov and Alexandr Kozlitin were given a 2 year suspended sentence. The appellate and cassation courts upheld the verdict.