Name: Isakov Anatoliy Yuriyevich
Date of Birth: August 29, 1964
Current status: convicted person
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation: 282.2 (1)
Time spent in prison: 1 day in a temporary detention facility, 44 day in a pre-trial detention
Current restrictions: prohibition of certain actions
Sentence: Punishment in the form of a fine in the amount of 400,000 rubles


Criminal prosecution for faith is another misfortune that befell the family of Anatoly Isakov, a disabled person of group II. In 2017, his 28-year-old son died, and in July 2021, the believer was searched and, despite his serious health condition, was placed in a pre-trial detention center.

Anatoliy was born in August 1964 in Kurgan. As a child, he was engaged in judo, took part in sports competitions both in Kurgan and in other cities of the country. After school, he went to work at the Kurgan Machine-Building Plant (KMZ) and at the same time entered the correspondence department at the Kurgan Machine-Building Institute, from which he graduated with a degree in mechanical engineering. He worked at KMZ as a foreman, ventilator, and also as a roofer in the brigade.

Throughout his youth, Anatoliy did not abandon his passion for sports: he was engaged in weightlifting, bodybuilding, and competed for his plant. He still leads a healthy lifestyle. His hobbies include music and reading. He especially enjoys playing the guitar, reading classical and educational literature.

Anatoliy has always felt a spiritual thirst. In 1993, when he first picked up the Bible, he became interested in its teachings and began to study them deeply. He learned that, according to the Holy Scriptures, there is a Creator who has a plan for the earth and humanity, and that people are not a product of evolution. Anatoliy had a meaning in life.

In 1988, after the army, Anatoliy married Tatyana, whom he had known since school. After graduating from college, his wife has been working at KMZ all her life. In marriage, the couple had two children.

Tatiana is described as a good housewife, caring wife and mother. At first, she did not share her husband's religious beliefs and even began to study the Bible to prove the uselessness of his "hobby". However, over time, Tatiana's accumulated knowledge and life experience helped her to become convinced of the opposite, and she also became one of Jehovah's Witnesses.

In 2015, Anatoliy fell seriously ill and was bedridden for about a year. He got a disability and left his job, as he needs constant treatment for cancer. The sudden death of his son was a strong shock.

Relatives are worried about the unfair criminal prosecution of Anatoly. They are especially concerned about his state of health and whether he is being provided with the necessary medical assistance in the pre-trial detention center. Prisoners are obliged to follow the requirements of the staff of the pre-trial detention center, including physical exertion that is unbearable for Anatoly: he can hardly move, he is not able to walk in the ranks at the required speed.

Due to the arrest of Anatoly, the course of chemotherapy was interrupted, which he is forced to constantly undergo in the fight against oncology. Thus, criminal prosecution poses a real threat to Isakov's life.

Case History

In July 2021, the investigation accused Anatoliy Isakov, a disabled person, of organizing the activity of an extremist organization, and Valeriy Minsafin of participating in it. The next day, the homes of the believers were searched, and the men were placed in a temporary detention facility. The investigator released Minsafin from custody, and the court sent Isakov, who can hardly move, is fighting cancer and needs to regularly take strong prescription medication, to a pretrial detention center for 1.5 months, interrupting his vital chemotherapy. After a request from the ECHR and human rights activists to the Russian authorities, the court released Isakov under a ban on certain actions. Minsafin was cleared of charges in March 2023. In June 2023, the case of Anatoliy Isakov went to court. It is based, among other things, on the testimony of a secret witness. In July 2024, the prosecutor requested a 6.5-year suspended sentence for the believer. In August 2024, the court imposed a fine of 400,000 rubles on him.