Name: Gevorkyan Gevorg Surenovich
Date of Birth: February 18, 1971
Current status: convicted person
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation: 282.2 (1)
Current restrictions: suspended sentence
Sentence: punishment in the form of imprisonment for a term of 6 years, with deprivation of the right to engage in organizational activities in public and religious organizations for a term of 5 years, with restriction of liberty for a term of 1 year, a sentence of imprisonment shall be considered suspended with a probationary period of 4 years


Since July 2019, Gevorg Gevorkyan has been under the close supervision of law enforcement officers. He recalls how it started: "Early in the morning they searched our apartment, then they took my wife and me away and interrogated us until the evening. In the evening we were searched again. After that, I was summoned for interrogations for two years, my criminal status and preventive measures were changed."

Gevorg was born in February 1971 in Tkvarcheli (Abkhazia). He has a younger brother and sister. His father took care of the family, working as an engineer and plumber. His mother made custom-made clothes at home. The parents raised their children in an atmosphere of peace and love.

When Gevorg was 15 years old, the family left for Tbilisi (Georgia). There they lived in rented apartments. The children had to change schools frequently, so it was difficult for them to make friends. When Gevorg returned from the army, a military conflict broke out in the area where his family lived. Parents, wanting to protect their children, decided to emigrate to another country.

During this period Gevorg accidentally got hold of a religious book, which prompted him to think about the origin of life. He began to study the Bible and found in it evidence for the existence of God. Later he was joined by his family in his study of the Holy Scriptures. In 1996 Gevorg stood on the Christian path.

Around the same time Gevorg met Yana, who later became his wife. The couple have been married for over 25 years. Gevorg said: "We have always maintained peace, happiness and love in the family. This has been possible thanks to the wise and solid principles from God's Word that we have tried to apply in our lives. I also always had the example of my dear parents in front of me."

Several years ago the couple moved to Nizhniy Novgorod to take care of Yana's elderly mother. Gevorg got a job at a factory as a forklift driver to provide for his family. To their surprise, in this city they encountered criminal persecution for their faith, which disrupted the peace and tranquility of the believer and his family members.

Case History

In the summer of 2019, Gevorg Gevorgyan, a resident of Nizhny Novgorod, was searched and interrogated and was named as a witness in the case of Malyanov and four other believers. After 2.5 years, his criminal case was separated into a separate proceeding. Gevorkyan was accused of extremism only because of his religion. In August 2021, he was placed on recognizance not to leave. In December 2021, the case went to court. At the first court hearing, the lawyer found a new document arbitrarily added to the case file. The judge returned the case to the prosecutor. In July 2022, a retrial of the case by another judge began. In January 2023, he sentenced Gevorgyan to 6 years probation. The appellate court upheld the verdict.