Name: Dubovkina Svetlana Aleksandrovna
Date of Birth: June 3, 1961
Current status: suspect
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation: 282.2 (2)


May 20, 2021 marks one year since the search in the house of pensioner Svetlana Dubovkina. Due to the stress she has endured, she still cannot calmly look at the police cars and hear the sounds of sirens. “I am in constant tension, I listen to all knocks and it often shakes me. Hair began to fall out, vision deteriorated, and chronic diseases worsened, ”says the believer.

Svetlana was born in June 1961 in the city of Zelenokumsk (Stavropol Territory). After 7 years, her younger sister was born. Their father worked as a driver. Mom was a seamstress, also worked in a cannery. Parents divorced when Svetlana was only 9 years old. Then the family moved to the village of Solomenskoye (Stavropol Territory).

As a child, Svetlana was an active child, she loved to play basketball. After school, she graduated from the Mozdok Mechanical and Technological College with a degree in Grain and its Processing Products Technologist. She worked as a chemist in the laboratory of the Kotlyarevsky distillery.

Svetlana got married in 1981. After the wedding, the couple lived with their husband's parents in the village of Orlovka, Budennovsky district. In 1982, their eldest daughter Nataliya was born. Since 1983, Svetlana has been living in the city of Maysky (Kabardino-Balkaria), where she worked as a laboratory assistant in the technical control department. In 1988 and 1996, the couple had 2 more daughters, Yulia and Anastasiya. Before retirement, her husband worked as a driver of a motor transport company, and Svetlana worked as a teacher's assistant in a kindergarten. Now she is also a pensioner, sometimes working part-time in the field of cleaning private apartments. Despite the difficulties with her health, Svetlana tries to lead an active lifestyle: ride a bike and go hiking with friends.

Svetlana thought about the lack of harmony in the world. In the Bible, she found answers to her questions. This prompted her to become a Christian in 1995. Svetlana made many friends among the believers. She recalls: "I did not have friends at all, and now there are many of them, and what kind!" According to her, the believer feels the benefits of applying biblical principles, they gave her a sense of inner harmony.

The daughters support Svetlana, although they do not share her religious views. Speaking about the persecution of the mother by law enforcement officers, the eldest daughter was indignant: "Let them catch the real criminals!" The youngest daughter also considers the criminal prosecution to be unfair, since her mother did not violate any Russian laws.

Case History

Almost a year after a series of searches in the criminal case against Kirill Gushchin, investigator A. M. Yakhtanigov separated the case against Kirill’s wife, Svetlana Gushchina, as well as Zareta Ortanova, Aksana Dominova, Svetlana Dubovkina and Olga Shulgina into separate proceedings. The women are suspected of participating in the activities of an extremist organization. The case involves falsifications and planting of banned literature. In July 2021, searches took place in three more houses of believers, where the security forces were looking for new “evidence”.