Name: Chechulina Yelena Nikolayevna
Date of Birth: June 11, 1978
Current status: defendant
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation: 282.2 (1)
Current restrictions: recognizance agreement


Yelena Chechulina, a 45-year-old nurse from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, like her husband, encountered criminal prosecution for discussing the Bible with other believers. The investigation equated her actions with organizing the activity of an extremist organization.

Yelena was born in 1978. She was the only child in the family. As a child, she loved to read books. After studying at high school and medical school, Yelena began working as a nurse in a clinic.

Yelena started to trust the Bible when she saw how accurately the prophecies described in it were fulfilled. In addition, she was impressed by the lifestyle of Jehovah's Witnesses. In July 2000 Yelena joined this religion.

In the same year, she married Sergey, who shares her religious beliefs. Her husband works as a locksmith.

The criminal prosecution did not discourage the Chechulin family — Yelena and her husband are trying to maintain a positive attitude and share it with their relatives who are worried about them. Friends and colleagues try their best to support Yelena.

Case History

Sergey Chechulin and his wife Yelena became defendants in yet another criminal case against Jehovah’s Witnesses in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy. In September 2022, the Investigative Committee initiated a case against them on suspicion of organizing the activity of an extremist organization. A month later, their home was searched, and the couple was placed under a recognizance agreement. In November 2023, the case went to court. In December 2023, the case went to court. The prosecutor requested six years in prison for the Chechulins. When the verdict was announced in April 2024, the court commuted the article to participation in the activities of an extremist organization and sentenced the spouses to two years suspended. The court of appeal upheld this decision, but in October of the same year, the cassation sent the case back for reconsideration.
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