Name: Batchaev Albert Salikhovich
Date of Birth: July 22, 1976
Current status: convicted person
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation: 282.2 (1)
Time spent in prison: 5 day in a temporary detention facility, 94 day in a pre-trial detention, 454 day Under house arrest
Current restrictions: suspended sentence
Sentence: punishment in the form of imprisonment for a term of 6 years, with deprivation of the right to engage in activities related to the dissemination of religions, religious education, holding religious services, religious rites for a period of 6 years and with restriction of liberty for 1 year; The sentence of imprisonment shall be considered suspended with a probationary period of 3 years


On December 16, 2019, at least 9 searches of Jehovah's Witnesses' homes took place in Cherkessk. Among the detainees was Albert Batchaev. He was sent to a detention center for singing religious songs and praying to God. What is known about this man?

Albert was born in 1976 in the North Caucasus city of Karachaevsk. His childhood and youth were spent on Sakhalin. Albert grew up in a large family - he has 3 sisters and an elder brother. Albert's mother is dead, and his father is already over 80.

As a child, Albert was fond of sports, played football even for adult teams. Today, due to health problems, he can no longer maintain his former physical shape, but if possible, he goes out into nature to admire the beauty of the Caucasus Mountains.

After school, Albert moved to Khabarovsk. There he graduated from the Higher School of Police with a degree in law and worked as a senior criminal investigation officer. Recently, he has been installing doors.

Since 2017, Albert has been living in Cherkessk, as his elderly father needs help.

Albert has always been interested in the spiritual sphere of life. As a child, he read the entire Koran, prayed to God, watched cartoons about Jesus Christ. Once, as a grown man, he read a book about Jesus overnight. Albert was so inspired by his example that he has not smoked a single cigarette since, although he used to be a heavy smoker.

In his life, Albert has always adhered to the rule of an operative - any information must be double-checked. He applied the same rule to the Bible and became convinced of its truthfulness. Applying the advice in this book made Albert's character softer.

In 2007, Albert met his future wife Jeanne, the same year they got married. Zhanna loves sewing, knitting and is fond of learning foreign languages. For 12 years of marriage, the couple got used to doing everything together and never parted, so today's separation from her husband is not easy for Jeanne. She is also worried about her husband's deteriorating health - during the first week in the pre-trial detention center, Albert lost 10 kg. In addition, due to stress and detention, he began to have heart problems and exacerbated chronic diseases: Albert has high blood pressure, as well as problems with the kidneys, liver and pancreas.

Albert's relatives and friends are very worried and perplexed by the fact that the man ended up behind bars only for his faith in God. They try in every possible way to help Jeanne, and also come to all court hearings to support their friend and relative, and hope for a speedy favorable outcome of events.