Legal Victories

In Pskov Region, the Court Completely Acquitted Aleksey Khabarov—One of Jehovah's Witnesses

Pskov Region

On June 27, 2022, Porkhovsky District Court of Pskov Region found 47-year-old Aleksey Khabarov not guilty of participation in activity of extremist organization (article 282.2 part 2 of Criminal Code of Russian Federation). Friends who came to support the believer met the court's decision with applause.

The verdict will come into force, if the prosecutor's office does not appeal. For now, Aleksey Khabarov will continue to be under recognizance agreement.

In September 2021, the Porkhovsky District Court sentenced Khabarov to three years of suspended sentence, although no evidence of Khabarov's involvement in extremist activity was presented during the trial. Two months later, an appeal overturned the verdict and sent the case back for reconsideration. All this time Aleksey Khabarov was under recognizance agreement.

"Both during the first hearing and now, no intent to carry out extremist activities was seen," Aleksey Khabarov said during the debate, "there is not a single proof that I participated in activities that in any way resemble extremism, aimed at inciting religious and social hatred and hostility towards persons who practice another religion”. Speaking in court, he also referred to the recent decision of the European Court of Human Rights, which declared the persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia unjust, and all unfolded persecution of followers of this religion unfounded.

Aleksey Khabarov welcomes the court's unbiased consideration of the case and its protection of his legal right to peacefully practice Jehovah's Witnesses religion in association with others. Earlier at one of the hearings he noted, "The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation did not forbid me, together with my friends or with my family, to discuss biblical issues and thus to perform worship services. And this constitutional right does not depend on whether or not there is a legal entity or any registration. Discussion of the Bible by a group of people is not included in the list of extremist activities”.

The Case of Khabarov in Porkhov

Case History
In 2019, the FSB initiated a criminal case against Jehovah’s Witnesses in Porkhov. Law enforcement officers conducted searches and interrogated local believers. As a result, Aleksey Khabarov was charged with of extremism. During the court hearings, all witnesses, including the FSB counter-terrorism officer, described Khabarov positively. In September 2021, the court gave him a 3-year suspended sentence. The court of appeal overturned this decision, and in January 2022, a retrial of the case began in a court comprised of different judges. The prosecutor again requested 3.5 years in a penal colony for Khabarov, but the court acquitted him. In November 2022, the court of appeal again sent the case for a new – third – consideration in the same court. This time the believer was sentenced to 2.5 years in a penal colony. He was taken into custody in the courtroom. In December 2023, the court of appeal slightly changed this decision, reducing the term by 2 months.

Persons in case

Criminal case

Pskov Region
Suspected of:
"deliberately, in accordance with their religious beliefs and the goals of the Organization, pursuing the goal of spreading the doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses in the territory of the city of Porkhov, Pskov region, organized, directed and participated in the activities of its structural unit "Jehovah's Witnesses in the city of Porkhov".
Court case number:
March 28, 2019
Current case stage:
the verdict entered into force
Federal Security Service of Russia in the Pskov Region
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation:
282.2 (2)
Court case number:
1-28/2023 (1-120/2022)
Порховский районный суд Псковской области
Капустина Наталья
Case History