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New web project about the deportation of Jehovah's Witnesses in the Soviet Union: 3D exhibition, photos, documents, books


A new website about the mass confessional expulsion of Jehovah's Witnesses for the faith in the Soviet Union - “70 years of Operation North” has been launched. You will be able to visit the 3D museum, find out how and why believers were repressed, hear first-hand stories from the victims of the tragedy and get acquainted with the declassified archives of the USSR Ministry of State Security.

The web project was developed for the 70th anniversary of the deportation of about 10,000 believers and their families from the western regions of the Soviet Union, thousands of kilometers from home without the right to return.

The website is available in 3 languages - Russian, English and Ukrainian - and consists of 6 main sections, reflected in the top menu of the main page.

The section "Operation North" provides answers to basic questions about the deportation: why did it start and how did it proceed? What are its consequences?

The "3D Exhibition" section allows you to walk along the corridors of the virtual museum and see photos, installations, read secret orders from the authorities to expel innocent people. Having entered the virtual museum, do not forget to turn on the sound (this can be done using the menu in the lower right corner of the screen) - this way you will plunge into the atmosphere of those events even more.

The "Video" section contains a short documentary film "70 years of Operation North". In the headings "Archive" and "Books" you can study in more detail the documents that shed light on little-known facts about religious repression against Jehovah's Witnesses in the USSR. News about press conferences, scientific meetings, etc. in the context of Operation North will be published in the Events section.