Photo: Anton Ostapenko at the exit from the pre-trial detention center

Photo: Anton Ostapenko at the exit from the pre-trial detention center

Photo: Anton Ostapenko at the exit from the pre-trial detention center

Criminal Investigation and Trial

At exactly midnight, Anton Ostapenko from the Krasnoyarsk Territory was released from the pre-trial detention center under house arrest

Krasnoyarsk Territory

On the night of December 20, 2019, in Sharypov (Krasnoyarsk Territory), believer Anton Ostapenko was released from a pre-trial detention center after spending 246 days behind bars. He was met by his wife, mother, sister, nephews, other relatives and friends.

The court decided to soften the measure for the believer 3 days ago, on December 17, 2019. However, on that day, the handcuffs were not removed from the believer: the judge ordered that house arrest begin only on December 20, while Anton was transferred to a temporary detention center.

The case against him for his faith continues to be investigated. Investigator Kunko A.M. and senior assistant to the Sharypovsky inter-district prosecutor Sharky E.Y. petitioned for an extension of the period of detention for Anton Ostapenko, who is accused of "discussing biblical writings, prayers." However, the judge of the Sharypovsky City Court, Rimma Baiteryakova, refused the petition, considering that "the grounds for extending the measure of restraint are not convincing."

A peaceful believer became a victim of unfair accusations of "continuing the activities of an extremist organization" simply because of his religion (not banned in Russia). In another city in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Norilsk, another believer, Aleksandr Polozov, continues to be held in pre-trial detention on similar charges.

Case of Ostapenko in Sharypovo

Case History
In April 2019, investigator Yulia Fedynyak opened a criminal case against the power plant driver Anton Ostapenko. Talking about the Bible was equated with organizing extremist activities. Ostapenko was sent to a pre-trial detention center for six months, after which he was transferred to house arrest, and later to recognizance not to leave. After 1 year and 9 months, the case was transferred to the Sharypovsky City Court for consideration by judge Inga Gavritskaya. During the hearings, transcripts of Anton’s prayers were read out, which formed the basis of his accusation. The secret witness for the prosecution “Ivanov” stated that he did not know the defendant personally, and at the services the believers “just gather and sing songs.” The prosecutor asked the court to sentence the believer to 8 years in a penal colony. In October 2021, the court found Ostapenko guilty and sentenced him to 6 years and 3 months of probation with a probation period of 4 years and 1.5 years of additional restrictions. In April 2022, the appellate court upheld this decision.

Persons in case

Criminal case

Krasnoyarsk Territory
Suspected of:
[to be determined]
Court case number:
April 19, 2019
Current case stage:
the verdict entered into force
Investigative Department of the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Krasnoyarsk Territory
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation:
282.2 (1)
Court case number:
Шарыповский городской суд Красноярского края
Инга Гаврицкая
Case History