Photo: Invasion of believers in Tomsk (2018)

Photo: Invasion of believers in Tomsk (2018)

Photo: Invasion of believers in Tomsk (2018)

Actions of Law Enforcement Officers

In Norilsk, more than 50 believers were blocked by special forces at a tourist base. Searches and interrogations took place

Krasnoyarsk Territory

On Sunday morning, October 20, 2019, two SOBR groups surrounded a camp site in Norilsk (Krasnoyarsk Territory), where believers were at that time. Masked commandos broke into the building and demanded that everyone who was there hand over their phones and tablets. The homes of some believers were searched.

More than 50 people suffered from the actions of law enforcement officers. Law enforcement officers put a number of those present in minivans, including those with the Norilsk Nickel logo, and took them away for interrogation and searches in their apartments.

The interrogations were conducted in the building of the Investigative Committee at 7 Zavenyagin Street in Norilsk. The questions were asked by investigators who introduced themselves as Alexander Slimkin and Alexander Garber. Their questionnaire consisted of 25 items. The investigators were interested in whether their fellow countrymen professed a "forbidden" faith.

At least 5 searches are known, which lasted an average of 5 hours. Bibles, computers, tablets and phones were seized from believers.

The Case of Polozov and Shevelev in Norilsk

Case History
In October 2019, special forces surrounded a camp site in Norilsk, where about 50 friends were spending time together. Some of them were interrogated. The Investigative Committee initiated a criminal case against Stepan Shevelev and Aleksandr Polozov, charging the believers with organizing the activity of a banned organization. Their homes were searched. Polozov was arrested and sent to a pretrial detention center for 90 days, after which he was placed under a recognizance agreement. The same preventive measure was imposed on Shevelev. In June 2021, the believers’ case went to court. The prosecutor requested a 6-year suspended sentence. The judge returned the case of Polozov and Shevelev to the prosecutor, having found no corpus delicti in their actions. In July 2022, the Krasnoyarsk Regional Court upheld this decision. However, in May 2023, the case went back to court. This time, the prosecutor requested 6 years in a penal colony for the believers. In December 2023, the court gave Polozov and Shevelev a 6-year suspended sentence.

Persons in case

Criminal case

Krasnoyarsk Territory
Suspected of:
According to the investigation he “organized meetings ... in compliance with distinctive —  for this association — actions expressed in religious speeches, services, and propaganda of the activities of the banned organization ‘Jehovah’s Witnesses’”
Court case number:
October 20, 2019
Current case stage:
the verdict entered into force
Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Krasnoyarsk Territory
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation:
282.2 (1)
Court case number:
Норильский городской суд Красноярского края
Judge of the Court of First Instance:
Сергей Курунин
Case History