Photo: Roman Makhnev with his wife Anna

Photo: Roman Makhnev with his wife Anna

Photo: Roman Makhnev with his wife Anna

Actions of Law Enforcement Officers

Roman Makhnev's Open Letter to the Governor of the Kaluga Region

Kaluga Region

The text of an open letter from Roman Makhnev, who has been held in a pre-trial detention center for more than three months because of his religion, to the governor of the Kaluga region, Anatoly Artamonov, is given. The believer draws attention to violations during the investigation and asks for a fair and impartial trial.

Roman Makhnev was arrested on June 26, 2019, along with Dmitry Kuzin, another believer from Kaluga. Roman stated that during the search he was planted compromising evidence - banned literature. Then, in the FSB building, he was handcuffed to a radiator until morning and kept without food for a long time. Both believers were thrown behind bars as dangerous criminals, despite the lack of evidence of guilt and victims of their actions, only because they profess the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses.

A similar letter was written by Dmitry Kuzin.

Letter from Roman Makhnev:

An Open Letter
To the Governor of the Kaluga Region
Artamonov Anatoly Dmitrievich
from a prisoner in pre-trial detention center No. 1 in the Kaluga region
Makhnev Roman Sergeyevich, b. 04.02.1976

Dear Anatoly Dmitrievich!

Since the 1990s, I have professed the views of Jehovah's Witnesses. In 2017, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation made an unprecedented decision to liquidate the legal entities "Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia" and a large number of local religious organizations, including the "LRO of Jehovah's Witnesses in Kaluga." I have never been a member of the LRO of Jehovah's Witnesses in Kaluga. I worshipped Jehovah God both before the appearance of these legal entities, and after their liquidation, on the basis of Article 28 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation as the fundamental law of the country.

My quiet life as a law-abiding resident of Kaluga ended on June 26, 2019, when criminal case No. 11907290001000019 was opened against me under Part 1 of Article 282.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The house where I live with my wife and minor daughter was searched by the FSB of Russia in the Kaluga region. As I stated in the search report, several printed publications "found" in my house do not belong to me and were planted during the search. I demanded that "sweat-fat studies" of these things be carried out in order to establish the involvement of me or my relatives in their presence in my house. However, this was not done by the investigation. During the search, which lasted until half past three at night, I was constantly handcuffed like a dangerous criminal. After that, I was taken to the FSB building, where I was left chained to a radiator until the morning and was not fed for almost two days.

On June 28, the Kaluga District Court remanded me in custody for 2 months. The court considered that I was caught committing a crime. What really happened? At the time of the start of the search, I was repairing a washing machine.

On August 26, the district court extended my stay in custody for another 2 months, although the investigator did not present any additional facts, except for a positive characterization from the pre-trial detention center. According to the incriminated article, I face up to 10 years in prison as a dangerous criminal! For what? For praying to God and reading the Bible differently than someone else? At the same time, I can avoid punishment altogether if I voluntarily stop believing in God. It is reminiscent of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages.

Law enforcers confuse the ban issued by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on April 17, 2017 against legal entities of Jehovah's Witnesses and the opportunity to freely express their faith, as guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. I did not establish or resume any activities of the LRO of Jehovah's Witnesses in Kaluga.

Dear Anatoly Dmitrievich! I am not asking you to interfere in the course of the investigation and the trial. But I observe the following picture. The criminal case was initiated in a hurry (in 20 minutes). Court hearings on the measure of restraint are held behind closed doors. Human rights defenders are not allowed to attend them. The court of two instances on the search ignored numerous violations by the investigation. These actions do not testify to the impartiality of the judicial system and the objectivity of the investigation. Residents of the region, including people of different faiths, including Jehovah's Witnesses, cannot calmly observe such facts. The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation clearly indicated that its decision would not affect the usual practice of believers. In fact, everything turns out differently. And this is happening despite repeated calls from human rights defenders to change the situation. Even Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke out in defense of Jehovah's Witnesses.

I ask you to pay attention to what is happening in our region and encourage law enforcement agencies to be objective in investigating this case.

Makhnev R.S.

Case of Makhnev and Kuzin in Kaluga

Case History
In June 2019, several homes of Jehovah’s Witnesses were searched in Kaluga, including the families of Roman Makhnev and Dmitriy Kuzin. The men were detained and soon sent to a pre-trial detention center. Both spent six months behind bars, and then another two months under house arrest. The FSB opened a criminal case against them, as well as another believer, on extremism. In November 2020, the investigation was suspended due to the coronavirus pandemic. The investigation resumed in March 2024.

Persons in case

Criminal case

Kaluga Region
Suspected of:
"took active organizational actions, expressed in the unification of the followers of the world organization of Jehovah's Witnesses living in the city of Kaluga and the Kaluga region, under a single leadership; convening meetings in residential quarters... organization of religious speeches and services at these meetings; carrying out the preaching activity" (from the decision to bring as an accused)
Court case number:
June 26, 2019
Current case stage:
review of case materials by the accused
Investigation Department of FSSD of Russia for Kaluga Region
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation:
282.2 (1)
Case History