Photo: building of the Leningrad Regional Court, St. Petersburg

Photo: building of the Leningrad Regional Court, St. Petersburg

Photo: building of the Leningrad Regional Court, St. Petersburg

Banning of Publications

On December 20, a judicial interrogation of experts who found extremism in the Bible will take place

St. Petersburg,   Leningrad Region,   Moscow

Experts will come to the Ostankino District Court of Moscow and from there answer questions from the Leningrad Regional Court (St. Petersburg) via videoconferencing. The court intends to clarify the inconsistencies noted in the examination.

Earlier, the Vyborg court ruled to recognize the Russian Bible, published by Jehovah's Witnesses, as extremist material (Holy Scripture - New World Translation, 2007). The copyright holder, the Pennsylvania Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, did not agree with the court's decision and filed an appeal.

The first hearing in the appellate instance was held in the Leningrad Regional Court on December 6, 2017. The case is heard by a panel consisting of the presiding judge Larisa Gorbatova, the judge-rapporteur Tatyana Khruleva and the judge Igor Kosarev. During the hearing , the attention of the judges was attracted by obvious contradictions in the examination, on which the court of first instance relied, so it was decided to interview experts - Natalia Kryukova, V.S. Kotelnikov, A.E. Tarasov. The survey is scheduled for December 20, 2017.

Natalia Kryukova is the permanent head of the Center for Socio-Cultural Expertise, whose work is the basis of many cases against Jehovah's Witnesses.

The case will be heard in the Leningrad Regional Court on December 20, 2017 at 14:30 at the address: St. Petersburg, Fontanka Embankment, 6. The experts will answer questions from the court, as well as representatives of the parties, while in the Ostankino District Court at 35, 1st Ostankinskaya Street, 312, Moscow. The participation of experts in the court session is ensured by the judge of the Ostankino court Olesya Sushkova (room 312).