The Case of Danil Suvorov in Sochi

Case History

In August 2021, a wave of searches took place in Sochi as part of the criminal case against Danil Suvorov. He was detained and put in a detention center. The believer was accused of involving a local resident (as it turned out later, an undercover informant) in the activity of an extremist organization. Six months later, the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee for the Krasnodar Territory initiated a criminal case against Danil and his older brother Denis. They were charged under two articles: participating in the activity of an extremist organization and involving others in it. In April 2022, Danil was indicted, and in May, the case went to court. In June 2023, the prosecutor requested 8 years in a penal colony for Danil. The court sentenced the believer to 6 years imprisonment. In May 2024, the court of appeal upheld this decision.

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    August 13, 2021

    The Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Krasnodar Territory is initiating a criminal case against 25-year-old Danil Suvorov under Part 1.1 of Article 282.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. According to the investigation, Suvorov, "using his authority as a spiritual leader ... Jehovah's Witnesses, took active steps aimed at persuading, recruiting and otherwise involving ... [a local resident] in the activities of a banned extremist ... [organization] on the territory of Sochi". This is how law enforcement officers qualify ordinary peaceful conversations of believers about the Bible. The criminal case is being investigated by senior investigator A. G. Andrianov.

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    August 18, 2021

    Since 6:30 a.m. in Sochi, searches have been carried out at three addresses. Law enforcement officers invade Danil Suvorov, electronic equipment is seized from him.

    At the same time, the security forces are looking for Suvorov at the home of other believers living in the village of Vesyoloye, Adler District, Sochi. The search is carried out under the direction of the senior investigator of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Krasnodar Territory R. A. Shevriev. Law enforcement officers are looking for religious literature. They confiscate electronic equipment, personal notes, postcards and a book about Jehovah's Witnesses by religious scholar Sergei Ivanenko.

    After the searches, the detainees are taken for interrogation to the Investigative Committee. Later, everyone except Danil Suvorov was released, and he was placed in a temporary detention facility.

    Another search takes place at the home of an elderly woman. Law enforcement officers searching the house mistakenly believe that the woman is the mother of Danil Suvorov. Later, her son, Danil's fellow believer, is summoned for interrogation.

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    August 20, 2021 Search

    In Sochi, as part of the criminal case against Danil Suvorov, searches are being carried out at several addresses of believers.

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    November 3, 2021

    It becomes known that Danil Suvorov is being held in pre-trial detention center No. 2 in the Krasnodar Territory. For 2.5 months he has been in detention just because of his faith.

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    February 8, 2022

    A. G. Andrianov, senior investigator of the Central District Department of Sochi of the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Krasnodar Territory, initiates a new criminal case, now against not only Danil, but also Denis Suvorov (siblings) under Part 1.1 and Part 2 of Article 282.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

    The investigator considers the Suvorovs' conversations about the Bible with a local resident to be involvement in extremist activities.

    Investigator of the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee for the Krasnodar Territory A. G. Andrianov initiates a criminal case against Denis Suvorov, the elder brother of Danil Suvorov.

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    April 24, 2022

    The lawyer visits Danil Suvorov in custody. He says that the emotional and physical condition of the believer is good. Danil is in a special unit, the cell is warm and clean, the food is satisfactory. There are three more people with the believer, with whom he has friendly relations.

    Periodically, Danil is transported from the Armavir pre-trial detention center to the Sochi temporary detention center to ensure his participation in the investigation. The road takes more than 8 hours, he does not tolerate such crossings. Relatives gave him pills for motion sickness.

    Danil says that he does not feel any pressure from the administration or the investigation. He is regularly given parcels and letters, and is allowed to use the Bible.

    The investigator acquaints Danil and his lawyer with the conclusions of experts: psychological-linguistic, religious, and computer-technical. In one of the examinations, 4 videos of a Bible study made by an embedded agent were examined. According to the expert's conclusions, "nothing extremist was found."

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    April 29, 2022

    A. G. Andrianov, senior investigator for the Central District of Sochi, involves Danil Suvorov as an accused. In addition to Part 1.1 of Article 282.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, he is charged with Part 2 of Article 282.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - participation in the activities of a banned religious organization.

    The investigator claims that "in the period from 10.11.2019 to 30.08.2020 ... Suvorov, acting deliberately... carried out active actions aimed at persuading, recruiting and otherwise involving a person ... in the activities of the banned extremist religious association of Jehovah's Witnesses." This is how the investigation interprets the believer's peaceful conversations on biblical topics.

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    April 30, 2022

    The defense petitions for the termination of the criminal case, since, according to the expert's conclusion, there is no extremism in the actions of Danil Suvorov. Also, the defense submits a petition for a confrontation with an embedded agent, for the interrogation of a linguist-religious scholar, for a request to the Ministry of Justice for the Krasnodar Territory to provide the charters of previously operating legal entities of Jehovah's Witnesses.

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    May 31, 2022 Case went to court

    The case is submitted to the Central District Court of Sochi.

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    June 10, 2022 Hearing in a court of the first instance

    A preliminary hearing is held in the case of the believer. Judge Kateryna Ostapenko extends Suvorov's detention until November 31, 2022.

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    June 24, 2022 Hearing in a court of the first instance

    Referee: Ekaterina Ostapenko. Central District Court of Sochi (Sochi, Gorky St., 20).

    About 50 people come to the courthouse to support Danil. They greet him with thunderous applause.

    The court satisfies the request for time to familiarize itself with the case materials and adjourn the court session.

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    November 7, 2022 Hearing in a court of the first instance

    "My son is a believer, reads the Bible, lives according to the laws of God, talks about God, respects people, he is being judged for this," the defendant's mother says during interrogation. The witness adds that her son treats representatives of other faiths well, she has never heard from him negative statements about anyone, calls for genocide and repression.

    Prior to this, the court refused to discuss the petition for publicity of the trial and admission of listeners to the hall. Because of this, more than 50 people were left waiting for news from the courtroom on the street.

    At the previous hearing, the defendant was not allowed to express his attitude to the charges. In this regard, the lawyer asks to provide this opportunity again. After the recess, the judge grants the request.

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    February 13, 2023 Court of Appeal

    Since the court of first instance did not allow Danil to familiarize himself with the audio protocol, he asks the court of appeal to eliminate this violation. The panel grants this request. An appeal hearing will be held at a later date.

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    March 15, 2023 Transfer of a prisoner

    It becomes known that Danil Suvorov was transferred to pre-trial detention center No. 1 in Krasnodar.

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    May 12, 2023 Hearing in a court of the first instance Detention center

    Danil Suvorov is brought from the Krasnodar pre-trial detention center to a court hearing in Sochi, the road is about 300 km. By order of the judge, only two listeners are allowed into the hall, about 70 people remain on the street.

    The defense announces information about the fundamentals of the doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses. The judge often interrupts the lawyer and does not allow him to read the material in full. The lawyer objects to the actions of the judge, since the court actually prevents the presentation of evidence and the presentation of the defense position.

    Danil Suvorov has been in pre-trial detention for almost 2 years. He maintains a positive attitude, only worries about his mother. The believer is grateful to his friends who come to support him at court hearings. According to him, this gives him strength.

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    June 7, 2023 Prosecutor requested punishment

    The prosecutor requests a sentence of 8 years of restriction of freedom for Danil Suvorov with serving time in a correctional colony.

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    June 20, 2023 In the courtroom First Instance Sentence Final statement

    Referee: Ekaterina Ostapenko. Central District Court of Sochi (Sochi, Gorky Street, 20). Start: 11.30.

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    May 7, 2024 Art. 282.2 (1.1) Art. 282.2 (2) Court of Appeal Deprivation of liberty Prosecution of several family members
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    June 20, 2024 Transfer of a prisoner Prosecution of several family members Life in prison

    Danil Suvorov was transferred to correctional colony No. 12, located in the Republic of Mordovia. Letters of support can be sent by regular mail.

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    August 19, 2024 Life in prison Human rights defenders Prosecution of several family members

    According to Danil Suvorov, the conditions of detention in the colony are normal. His health condition is not bad, but he needs dental treatment. Relations with prisoners are normal. Before him, other Jehovah's Witnesses who had earned a good reputation had already served time in this colony. Danil has a library copy of the Bible and receives letters regularly.

    The believer was visited by a human rights activist of one of the public organizations.

    Danil is very worried about his retired mother, who has to travel 1500 km from Sochi to visit him.