The case of Baylo in Kholmskaya

Case History

In March 2024, a criminal case was initiated against Valeriy Baylo under the article on participation in the activities of an extremist organization. A few days later, the man was summoned to the Investigative Committee for interrogation, after which his house was searched, and the believer himself was placed in a pre-trial detention center. On June 26, 2024, the first court hearing took place, and on July 3, Baylo was sentenced to 2.5 years in a penal colony. In the pre-trial detention center, the believer’s health condition deteriorated significantly. He submitted a number of requests for medical assistance, but they remained unanswered. In this regard, the lawyer sent complaints to the relevant authorities.

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    March 28, 2024 Case initiated Elderly Art. 282.2 (2)

    E. V. Shevchenko, investigator of the Investigative Directorate for the Abinsk District of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Krasnodar Territory, initiates a criminal case against 66-year-old Valery Bailo under Part 2 of Article 282.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

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    April 2, 2024 Search Detention center Interrogation Elderly Art. 282.2 (2) Temporary detention facility

    Bailo is summoned for questioning by the Investigative Committee. He was charged with participating in the activities of an extremist organization, after which he was placed in a temporary detention facility in the city of Krymsk.

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    April 3, 2024 Search

    Investigator Shevchenko issues a search order in Bailo's home. She considers this to be an urgent case, of which she notifies the prosecutor's office and the court.

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    April 4, 2024 Detention center

    The Abinsk District Court detains the believer. Bailo is placed in pre-trial detention center No. 3 in the city of Novorossiysk.

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    April 19, 2024 Detention center Elderly

    The believer is kept alone in a special block - a semi-basement room in which there are no windows. It's damp there, the lights are on around the clock. His friends gave him the necessary things and food.

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    April 30, 2024 Elderly Health risk Medical treatment within the Federal Penitentiary Service

    Valeriy Bailo is experiencing acute toothache and needs urgent dental treatment. In addition, the believer suffers from a chronic disease of the gastrointestinal tract, which, if the diet is disturbed, is exacerbated and accompanied by acute pain. Bailo also has serious problems with one of the knee joints, which also causes severe pain.

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    May 17, 2024 Detention center Medical treatment within the Federal Penitentiary Service Letters Health risk Restriction of the right to medical care Elderly

    Valery was transferred from the special unit to a brighter and more spacious cell, in which he is held with two previously convicted prisoners. He regularly receives letters, but not all of his answers are sent to the addressees.

    The believer continues to experience health problems. He wrote several applications requesting a medical examination, but all of them remain unanswered at the moment. He still needs knee surgery.

    A believer is not given a Bible from the library of the pre-trial detention center. At his request, his acquaintances sent him the Holy Scriptures in the Synodal translation, but the book was placed in the warehouse of the pre-trial detention center. The believer is waiting for it to be given to him.

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    May 27, 2024 Detention center Elderly

    A hearing is being held to extend the measure of restraint. When asked by the defense what the investigation was doing while Valery Bailo was in custody, the investigator explained that "she did not work with Bailo, because there was no need" - she studied the materials of previous criminal cases against Jehovah's Witnesses, and also received an expert opinion and characterizing material, examined material evidence, interrogated witnesses who participated in the search.

    The court upholds the preventive measure.

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    June 13, 2024 Case went to court

    The case goes to the Abinsky District Court, it will be considered by Judge Sergey Mikhin.

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    June 26, 2024 Hearing in a court of the first instance Interrogation

    A district police officer and a woman whom the believer does not know are interrogated.

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    July 3, 2024 Art. 282.2 (2) First Instance Sentence Elderly Deprivation of liberty

    Judge Sergey Mikhin sentences Valery Bailo to 2.5 years in a general regime colony.

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    July 23, 2024 Detention center Elderly Restriction of the right to medical care Health risk Torture conditions in detention Medical treatment within the Federal Penitentiary Service Complaints

    Valeriy Bailo, 66, still complains of toothache and stomach pain. After repeated statements, he managed to get an appointment with a dentist, who, after examination, concluded that the man needed dental treatment and prosthetics. Since there were no materials for this in the pre-trial detention center, the dentist recommended that the prisoner be released from custody and undergo treatment at large. Due to an acute toothache, Valeriy eats only liquid food in the pre-trial detention center. He continues to regularly appeal to the administration of the pre-trial detention facility with requests for medical assistance, but his statements remain unanswered.

    The lawyer believes that such an attitude towards Valery Bailo on the part of the administration of the pre-trial detention center endangers his life and health. He filed complaints with the Public Monitoring Commission, the Prosecutor's Office for Supervision of the Federal Penitentiary Service and the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Krasnodar Territory, S. V. Myshak. Two of these complaints are forwarded to the Federal Penitentiary Service for consideration.

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    July 24, 2024 Complaints Elderly

    Valeriy Bailo filed an appeal against the verdict of the first instance.

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    August 21, 2024 Complaints Health risk Restriction of the right to medical care Medical treatment within the Federal Penitentiary Service Elderly Detention center

    The medical and sanitary unit of the Federal Penitentiary Service insists that there are no problems with providing the necessary assistance to Valery Bailo, despite the order of the prosecutor's office to eliminate violations of the legislation on the provision of medical services.

    In the letter of the prosecutor's office to the medical unit, it is noted that "within the framework of the inspection, the facts of untimely and incomplete provision of medical care to V. S. Bailo in connection with his diseases were revealed."

    In response, the medical unit states that during the examination upon arrival, "the presence of chronic diseases was denied, medical documents confirming a history of chronic diseases were attached to the patient's medical record ... I didn't get involved." It is also stated that the believer "does not need emergency, urgent dental or other assistance."

    However, Valeriy Bailo still needs medical attention. He has been suffering from toothache since April 2024, complains of stomach pain and needs knee surgery.

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    September 9, 2024 Complaints Elderly

    It becomes known that the Abinsky District Court refuses to consider Valeriy's appeal. The court justifies this by the fact that the deadline for filing it has expired.

    The believer will appeal against this decision, since the deadline was missed through no fault of his own.

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    September 27, 2024 Detention center Health risk Restriction of the right to medical care Medical treatment within the Federal Penitentiary Service Elderly

    The issue of dental prosthetics for Bailo is still unresolved, since there are no such specialists in the pre-trial detention center. He continues to suffer from toothache and stomach pain, which is why he is losing weight. Due to the lack of movement and lack of walks, Valeriy's knee became inflamed.

    The believer has the New Testament. He receives parcels regularly, letters arrive, but less often than before.

    Valeriy was transferred to another cell, where there are 4 more people besides him. The believer's relationship with them is normal.

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    October 1, 2024 Court of Appeal

    Krasnodar Regional Court (Krasnodar, 10 Krasnaya Street, Hall No. 53). Time: 11:00.